We have planned to make quality projects, local data and news the nation over while keeping up with shared congruity and fraternity between FM radios broadcasting from better places and territories of Nepal.

It is our plan to help out autonomous radios that have been communicated by the Service of Correspondence and Data Innovation of Nepal, as well as radios that are communicated on the web and through applications, as well as program creation gatherings. Our point is to make it simple for the publicist to communicate the promotion, make it simple and uniform.

At the point when projects and news created by one radio are additionally communicated by different radios, every one of the Nepalis can get the data inside one Nepal immediately. To make the radio telecom significantly more grounded and more dependable, this gathering has gone ahead to ensure that the radio has a place with whom and that all Nepali individuals pay attention to it and that all Nepali's radio is Nepali's radio. Our point is to associate with every one of the seven regions remembering 88.8 MHz for the middle.

From our office in Lalitpur, we work with publicizing, produce and broadcast programs for our accomplice radio broadcasts.

Assuming that you have any inquiries, you can reach us by phone.